May I introduce to you K-link Supply & Services: your best option to a sincere, down-to-earth, honest purchase.

In the age of « supply chain technology », consultancies on logistics, purchase and supply are offered in all forms and shapes and will result in sets of recommendations to optimalize your operation, but never without an supplementary investment, of ressources. The ultimate result of such an upgrade of your operation, will only be measurable in the long term .

Moreover, when this process has been launched, any normal reenforcement of your HR to face your current growth of your operation will logically be halted until the new strategy has been defined.

K-Link wants to offer a solution for this

K-Link wants to offer services in the domain of purchases and supply, in complete transparency and integrity in a way that organisations such as yours can reenforce their purchase department at times of high peak activity.

With a no nonsense attitude and a load of experience in the field of supply and purchases, K-Link will be able to jump in and assist your operation on a short notice.

Field of activities

Services in Purchase and Supply, which can be completely tailor-made to the needs


From assisting and preparing tenders, to complete submission of tenders, public as well as private


Going from sourcing and product research to taking in charge of the complete supply chain:  from purchase to consolidation and expedition and assistance to clearance on destination 


Screening of internal purchase processes and organization, from spot-checks to cross tendering

Suppliers evaluation

From sourcing to suppliers audits and validation